I have been studying B.A. of Industrial Engineering and M.A. of technology management in I.A.U. I have been a quality management system designer, management representative and management consultant in different industries in last 20 years. I have been working as a Management system consultant/Trainer for 14 years in various industries. I have registered a consultant company in Iran, named “Keifiat Andishane Sanat” in 2006. I joined TÜV Nord and TÜV Academy as an auditor/Trainer in 2011. I conducted more than 1500 Man Day consultant as a QMS, EMS, SMS, Training System, CSM, CRM, Performance management and ICT regulatory requirements in different types of organizations like Steel making manufacturers, Automotive device manufacturers, EPC and Oil/Gas/Petrochemical companies, Industrial Automation, and ICT companies in Iran. I have been responsible for develop and train the training courses of CRM, ISO 10001, ISO 10002, ISO 10003, ISO 10004 (CSM), ISO 10015 and Training management systems in TÜV Academy IRAN-GEMANY branch and IMS requirements, ISO 9001:2008 Internal Auditor, and other management training courses such as: Strategy management, Performance management, Knowledge management, Train the trainer, محصول/خدمت management, Marketing and Sales strategy management, Risk Assessment methods, Cost increase methodologies in Amirkabir University of Technology, Association of Industrial Quality Control Managers and other management academies.
I jointed The Human resources empowerment national award assessors’ team in 2012 and The Technology and innovation management national award assessors’ team in 2014. I jointed the European HR Leadership Award assessors’ team in Iran in 2014. I have selected as one of the Iranian best researchers in international award of research and development in Iran by The R&D Society of Iranian Industries & Mines in 2011. I have published the 8 papers in the national conferences and 5 papers in international conferences in Italy, Spain and Turkey.